Friday, October 07, 2005


Well, it didn;t take long, I've arranged the transfer I was kind of angling for from day one. Basically I've been moved from Support to Marketing.

The first question everyone asks is did you get a pay rise?

The answer to that is no, not yet. That said, the other guy in the department that works in Marketing our office (my friend Dave) is strongly pushing for it based on the fact we're supposed to be in the office or on call 24/7 between 2 of us at the moment. Even if that doesn't work out, it puts me in a MUCH stronger position to campaign for a bigger raise in 5 months when my probabtionary period ends. I'll have been doing more work, more valuable work, and have many more tangible things to point at during the evaluation meeting.

Believe it or not (it will depend on how well you know me, and how cynical you are about me) I didn't want this for the money. It is actually because the work is more interesting. I do not like being bored. One of the main complaints I had about Malta was always that work was not particularly interesting. This has been resolved. Sure, I'm going to be much busier, especially in the forseeable future, but I'm going to enjoy a lot more of it.

The other thing, which might seem to go directly against my "it's not about the money" claim, but really doesn't, is that the experience I get in this position will be more valuable and transferable in the future and help me get more interesting (and incidentally better paid ;) ) jobs.

It really hasn't taken long for me to start playing the corporate game. Like I've said before, whatever I play, I play to win.

Anyway, home time, we still don't have internet at the apartment, and things are going to be stupid busy and long hours in the near future so I have more excuses to be slack.

The company is springing for a nice dinner tonight too, which is pretty sweet.

Life is Good.

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